Winter Season 2019 registration

Current or previously registered players

Online Early Bird registration for Winter Season 2019 is now open. Big savings are available for early registration so please register as soon as you can. Discounts are also available where more than one member of the same family is registered. 

Players who have not registered by this time, are subject to the Selection Policy for Late Registrations and may miss out on being placed in a team.

Players and their families should note, players in younger age groups are expected to play the vast majority of their games in the earlier time slots and older age groups are expected to play the vast majority of games in the later/evening time slots.

Registration link: 2019 Winter season – Online Registration form

New players

New players are required to register in person on Registration Day, which is scheduled for Saturday 16 February 2019 between 10 am and 2 pm at the Ivanhoe East Primary School SPACE Centre. Fees are set at the early online rate.

For further information, we recommend that new players and their families read the information on our Frequently Asked Questions page before contacting one of our registrars.  You will find further relevant information on the page dedicated to New players.

If you have an inquiry about registration please contact the appropriate registrar at or


Existing players requiring new uniforms are asked to place orders with our uniform supplier by phone (call 0400 555 255) or in person on Registration Day.

New players must order a uniform in person on Registration Day. All new players must purchase a reversible singlet.

Uniform orders placed on or before Registration Day will be available for collection on Presentation Night. Late orders placed AFTER Registration day may be required to visit our uniform supplier in Thomastown and may also be provided with a second-hand loan singlet for a few weeks.

Friendship teams

Requests for friendship teams are only considered for age groups U17 and above. All players in a friendship team must be registered before Registration Day and a request for the friendship team must be sent to the selectors ( or  The club reserves the right to add players to a friendship team, if necessary.

Refund Policy

Please be aware, the club has a refund policy which can be viewed here – Refund Policy

Registration costs

Players from same family *Early online (existing players)
Online (existing players)
Registration Day (existing players)
Late registration (all players) **
New players ***
NOW to 10/2/201911/2/2019 to 16/2/201916/2/2019After 16/2/201916/2/2019
1 player$135$155$155$205$135
2 players$255$295$295$410$255
3 players$350$410$410$615$350
4 players$350$410$410$670$350
* From same family
** After 16/2/19, players will be placed on a waitlist and cannot be guaranteed a place in a team (as per selection policy)
*** Must attend Registration Day in person. If this is not possible, please contact the appropriate registrar –  or

Related information

New players page

Frequently Asked Questions

Winter season – Age cut off dates:

U09 – Born 1/1/2010 onwards

U11 – Born 1/1/2008 to 31/12/2009

U13 – Born 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2007

U15 – Born 1/1/2004 to 31/12/2005

U17 – Born 1/1/2002 to 31/12/2003

U19 – Born 1/7/1999 to 31/12/2001


Girls registration—Contact the Girls’ Registrar:

Boys registration—Contact the Boys’ Registrar: