Training time allocation policy
Training is one hour per week and held Monday to Thursday 5:00 pm to 9:30pm.
Team training times for all teams change each season. Don’t assume you’ll be training at the same time as last season.
Allocating a time
Only the coach (or fill-in coach) of a team is authorised to request a training time or request a change of training time.
If you have problem with the training time for your team, you need to speak to your coach, not to your team manager.
The process
- Players/parents write down training preferences in the allocated space on their registration form.
- The club puts together the teams for the next season.
- Once coaches have been assigned, the Team Selection Coordinator emails coaches a summary of player training nights preferences for their team.
- Coaches email the Training Venue Coordinator with their training preferences.
The Training Venue Coordinator juggles the preferences for all Ivanhoe Knights teams to create the next season’s training schedule by presentation night.