Each week the team manager assigns a duty parent to conduct scoring duties. All parents are expected to score.
Scoring may appear a daunting task for those who are new to basketball, so if you’re in that position, please don’t hesitate to seek assistance from your team manager and/or other parents.
If you’re scoring for the first time it’s advised that you review the information on this page and related fact sheets and videos.
Scoring is all done electronically on iPads that are uploaded directly to PlayHQ.
Requirements of scorers
Here’s an overview of what’s required. More detailed information is available in the fact sheets and links to the right.
Be early:
- the duty parent needs to arrive at least 10 minutes before the game to check the names on the electronic score sheet
- your team may be fined if there is a late start because you’re unprepared.
Observe conduct guidelines:
- scorers are acting officials, therefore it is not appropriate to barrack for your team from the scoring bench
- respect and support the referees.
Check team details:
- it’s your responsibility to ensure the names of players and the coach as well as related singlet numbers appear correctly on the electronic score sheet.
Work as a team with the scorer from the opposing team:
- work with the other scorer to determine who will update the scores on the iPad and who will run the clock and the alternating possession arrow
- check regularly with the other scorer during the game to ensure the iPad and the clock match
- if you have a concern or disagree with the other scorer consult the referees.
Leaving the score bench:
- you need to remain on the bench at halftime and after the game to assist the referees in checking the score.
Related information
How to score fact sheets:
Working the clock (PDF)
Alternating possession (PDF)
External links
EDJBA guide for scorers (PDF)