Rep ready program


Want to take your basketball to the next level and play in the Victorian Junior Basketball League (VJBL)?

Through our membership of the Ivanhoe Darebin Basketball Association (IDBA), Ivanhoe Knights players have a number of opportunities to prepare for and play representative basketball, also known as rep basketball.

Earlier this month we ran a series of ‘Introduction to rep basketball training’ sessions led by our Coaching Director Michael Follachio and in Term 3 we will be running a series of ‘Rep ready’ sessions.

The VJBL 2019-20 Season is due to begin in Term 4 and the IDBA will hold rep tryouts toward the end of Term 3.

Our ‘Rep ready’ training sessions will help prepare our players who are interested in the tryouts.

The sessions will run across four Sundays (21 & 28 July and 4 & 11 August) for one hour per session. They are designed to provide our kids with additional skills and strategies that will improve their readiness to take the next step towards rep basketball.  

The sessions are open to anyone that is keen to improve their basketball at a total cost of $100 per player for the four sessions.  

At the completion of the final training there will be an information session for parents and players to get a better understanding of what is involved in playing VJBL representative basketball for the Ivanhoe Darebin Knights.


To book go  to or send an email to

Find out more about Representative Basketball

Access the fact sheet.

Rep ready flyer